
The Official Auction Companies of the 2026 NYINC

Heritage Auction – Monday, January 12, 2026:

Attn: Cris Bierrenbach
Heritage Galleries and Auctioneers
2801 W Airport Freeway
Dallas, TX 75261-4127
Phone: (800) US COINS
FAX: (214) 520-6968
E-mail: crisb@ha.com
Website: www.ha.com

Classical Numismatic Group Auction – Tuesday and Wednesday, January 13-14, 2026:

Attn: Mike Gasvoda
Classical Numismatic Group
P.O. Box 479
Lancaster, PA 17608
Phone: (717) 390-9194
E-mail: cng@cngcoins.com
Website: www.cngcoins.com

The New York Sale® – Tue/Thur, January 13/15, 2026:

Dmitry Markov
P. O. Box 950
New York, NY 10272
Phone (908) 470-2828
E-mail: markov@banet.net
Website: www.dmitrymarkov.com
Attn: Lucien Birkler
M&M Numismatics
P O Box 607
West Haven, CT 06516-0607
Phone: (203) 815-2765

Stack’s Bowers Galleries Auction – Friday, Saturday, January 16,17, 2026:

Attn: Matt Orsini
Stack’s Bowers Galleries
1550 Scenic Ave. #150
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: (949) 253-0916 or (800) 458-4646
FAX: (949) 253-4091
E-mail: morsini@stacksbowers.com
Website: www.stacksbowers.com
Attn: Vicken Yegparian
Americas Tower
470 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

(By appointment only)

Phone: (212) 582-2580 or (800) 566-2580
Fax: (646) 443-5548
E-mail: vickeny@stacksbowers.com

Spink USA – Friday, January 16 and Sunday, January 18, 2026:

Attn: Charles Blane
Spink USA
145 West 57th Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10019

Phone: (646) 941 8664
Fax: (646) 941 8686
E-mail: usa@spink.com
Website: www.spink.com

St. James’s Auctions – Wednesday, January 14, 2026:

Attn: Stephen Fenton
St. James’s Auctions
10 Charles II Street
St. James’s, London SW1Y 4AA
Phone: +44 (0) 207 930 7888
E-mail: info@stjauctions.com
Website: stjauctions.com

Convention Contacts

Convention Chairman
Paul Russell
P O Box 33319
Fort Worth, Texas 76162
Phone: (817) 266-1957

E-mail: prussell@nyinc.info

The Convention Chairman is responsible for the overall operation of the New York International Numismatic Convention, including booth sales and dealer space assignments. He is the primary contact person for inquiries about the NYINC.

Dealers desiring booth space should contact him. The Convention Chairman is also responsible for the scheduling of speakers, club and society meetings. Organizations desiring to hold functions in conjuntion with the NYINC should contact him.